“Why are the new floor markings in my warehouse flaking away already?”  This is a customer question that we hear entirely too often in our industry.  While painting lines on a warehouse floor may seem like a simple task, in reality it is a fairly complex process.  But with the proper surface preparation and appropriate paint choice, you can keep your warehouse floor markings looking fresh for a longer period of time.

Step 1:  Prepare the Concrete Surface

Warehouse Floor Markings | Employees Shot BlastingThis is the first and most important step in the process.  Think of the concrete surface as if it were a piece of wood.  Wood needs to be sanded before it is painted.  The same thing applies to concrete.  Before applying any type of paint, the concrete should first be etched with a shot blaster to remove the smooth finish.  This creates a profile in the surface that the paint can adhere to.   Skipping this step will most likely result in paint failure.

Step 2:  Choose the Appropriate Paint

Choosing the right type of paint is also a key step in getting the warehouse markings to go down and stay down.   Epoxy is the recommended type of paint for use in a warehouse environment.   Many customers choose to use latex or oil based traffic paints on their floors.  These paints may be a less expensive option but they are not designed to stand up to constant fork lift traffic or the heavy wear and tear from moving pallets and other heavy equipment.

Warehouse Floor MarkingsStep 3:  Apply a Sealant

While this step isn’t as important as the other two, it will add length to the life of the paint.  Applying a transparent sealer over the paint will add an additional layer of protection over the newly painted area.  This step should be completed 24 hours after the paint has been applied.


 About Otto’s Parking Marking

Otto’s Parking Marking is an Indiana parking lot and warehouse maintenance company serving the greater Indianapolis area, including Greenwood, Carmel, Greenfield, and Avon.  If you have a warehouse floor marking or coating project that we can assist you with, please give us a call.  Our dedicated team of professionals and highly trained crews are here to help.